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Whats next for Seesaw Protocol after its stellar presale success?

Emphasis on individual cognitive and behaviour modification seems to translate as ‘the problem isn’t with the environment and system you’re working in, but with you, and you need to be better at dealing with it’. Although it is great we are having such open and collaborative events dedicated to the mental health and wellbeing of staff, I still feel there is huge scope for improvement, starting with the scope of the conversations being held. When I started writing this piece 24 hours ago, I noted my kids were in bed asleep completely oblivious to the actual detail of the challenges that we face. It is not my colleagues who have battled through a torrid few years and saved countless lives, consoled countless relatives and made very scared patients smile through our deep engrained desire to care.

We do not put the information on the website more than four weeks before the hearing date to make sure we are acting fairly and balancing your rights with our role of protecting the public. The fitness to practise process is not designed to punish registrants for past mistakes. During this period, I was asked to collate various pieces of information for them and obtain character and clinical references that would form part of the response to the Investigation Committee.

If the standards of acceptance are met, and you find yourself the subject of a fitness to practise allegation, the case will be allocated to a case manager, who will remain neutral. They can explain how the FtP process works and what panels will consider when making their decisions. However they cannot advise you what to include in your response or how you should represent yourself. The Health and Care Professions Council provides a list of 10 important things you should know about the process and the support available if you find yourself the subject of a fitness to practise allegation. The College were wonderful in dealing with my initial enquiry and the process felt built to help and support me. We as a profession need to support one another and can only do this with the strength of one voice provided by the College of Paramedics.

We are the care givers, but we are also human, and we need care ourselves. Please start looking after the care givers as we only have so much to give and like a car, if it isn’t refuelled it will be unable to function. It is the eve of the day that none of us want to be a part of but now feel that no other option is available to us. “The challenge will be to find better markers which indicate the presence of aggressive disease and to refine our use of genetic risk stratification to be able to target new methods of screening to those at highest risk. “European studies of using the blood marker PSA to direct screening have shown a reduction in mortality, but the concern has been overdiagnosis, including detection of some cases which would never have caused harm, and potential harms of overtreatment. “However, our evidence shows that screening may now be a lot safer than previously thought.

Is Seesaw protocol good investment

An anonymous team is responsible for creating the SeeSaw Protocol, which is alleged to be based in Switzerland. Based on such statements, one may find it difficult to decide to purchase the SSW Tokens, but their already exceeding number of sales is an equal deterrent against such doubts. So, it remains a matter of personal choice as to whether you should put your faith and money in the SSW Protocol. From the initial $0.005 price per coin during January, the current price stands at approximately $0.132. The initial month of presale completion raised its value by over 2500% with greater ascend expected after Q3.

Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination in the Paramedic Workplace

You need time out for you, and this is strongly the ethos of these activities. You’ll need to feel comfortable enough being in outdoor spaces with limited access to facilities during the activities. You’ll also need a general level of fitness that you’ll be able to walk for the duration of the event – on average, this will be around six hours per day, although depending on factors such as the weather, this may be more or less. On 6th July 2020, Deena and her crewmate Michael responded to a category 3 welfare check in Wolverhampton. Whilst trying to gain access to the property with police, Martyn Smith opened his front door and lunged at the paramedics with two large kitchen knives.

Is Seesaw protocol good investment

One of the significant issues with crew mental health is the incremental evolution of stress. Over time you may learn to build coping strategies including becoming numb or detached. Becoming numb or detached from the situation may also be the mind’s response, allowing us to deal with the issues we are faced with. Let us come together to change this cultural barrier and start organising our mental filing cabinets to create a positive learning environment in clinical practice.

I’ve seen terrible things as a paramedic. The worst isn’t what you’d expect

While the seasonal flu vaccine won’t protect you against COVID-19, it will reduce your risk of influenza. There is no such thing as natural immunity against the flu virus and healthcare workers are encouraged to have their vaccine annually to ensure they are protected. Though there is a lack of published research on the interaction between emergency responders and LTNs, ambulance services are among the consulted bodies who must be involved in a scheme’s design. Many UK cities have historic LTNs , with no documented emergency access issues for these areas. The effect on my mental health and personal and professional confidence have led to a position where I have had to leave a service, a role and career that I have loved but feel unable to continue in and I am now practising in a different environment.

Is Seesaw protocol good investment

I explained all of Dad’s symptoms to the call handler and then set off to Dad’s. I arrived at Huddersfield A&E about an hour and a half after Dad’s call. Paramedics had contacted him to say that they didn’t feel there was any reason to take Dad to hospital as he wasn’t having a Stroke. They informed me that he wasn’t having a Stroke, I explained that I thought that he was from his description of events, but I would leave the hospital and meet them at Dad’s. When I arrived at Dad’s he was confused and disoriented and his speech was slurred. They told me that Dad was FAST negative despite me reiterating Dad’s earlier description of his symptoms.

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She took the time to set up a meeting and asked me lots of questions, detailing my side of events, what happened and why. My case was unusual in some respects but she formulated a detailed plan and confirmed that she could take my case for me. From that point, I had little contact with the HCPC as everything was completed vicariously through her – and this was brilliant. She advised me to continue to work as normal and try not to worry too much. In the sample within this research, 46% of the HCPC referrals came from self-referral compared to an average of 26% across all 16 professions. 84% of the paramedic self-referrals resulted in no further action by the regulator.

The Ethereum blockchain has evolved to become a major hub for decentralized finance. Decentralized finance platforms offer services such as lending and borrowing in a decentralized manner that does not include intermediaries. Decentralized finance has boomed in recent years, and Ethereum has been a major contributor to this growth. At the moment, it’s hard to say if Ethereum is a better investment than Bitcoin. Whether one is better than the other largely depends on what you’re looking for, as well as a range of other personal factors.

  • Carbon offsets have had a huge impact on combatting climate change with over 1 billion tonnes of carbon emissions avoided by thousands of projects since 1997.
  • However, my observation over the years of working in different organisations, is that the value the paramedic can bring to what are currently non-traditional environments for the profession, is unique and valuable.
  • The paramedic profession is increasingly complex, technical and requires an increasing level of academic as well as experiential knowledge.
  • Year 4 spent two nights and three days at Kingswood Grosvenor Hall, Ashford, Kent.
  • They wanted to provide access to the seat of power for those who would not normally be granted it.
  • The choice and range of sessions throughout the Symposium was almost overwhelming.

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Is Seesaw protocol good investment

It was intriguing to learn about the array of projects and activities other emergency services were undertaking surrounding mental health and wellbeing. Attending thus provided a great opportunity to share learning and good practice with many people who were passionate about making a difference. What was particularly new and refreshing to me was the growing work being done to support voluntary staff, and to engage family and friends in relation to supporting staff mental health and wellbeing. I feel that universities, educational providers, ambulance trusts and colleagues all have a duty to prepare our new paramedics not only to look after their patients, but to also look after themselves. There should be a real emphasis on acknowledging that poor reflection can be as detrimental as doing no reflection at all.

What’s going on with the Seesaw Protocol?

Just as if you ran a lot of marathons and over years of running you developed sore knees, by the time that happened you would have learned a lot of tricks for soothing sore knees. It’s not your fault, or your knees’ fault or the marathon’s fault that your knees are sore, it’s just what happens. Matthew was subsequently diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder ; an anxiety disorder, reportedly affecting 11% of the ambulance workforce . Newly diagnosed, seesaw crypto Matthew shared how his mind ‘went into a bit of a whirlwind, not knowing what it meant, how I would be able to function, or even if I would be the same person anymore’. Despite his loving family, Matthew found it a lonely time and felt isolated. It was in the new year, that he began eye-movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy, and quickly realised that the traumas that he had experienced had affected him far more than he’d realised.

Nicola also wants to help ensure that women have the same opportunities as men in the ambulance service, creating an even field, where all women have the same chances. Pushing for more flexible working opportunities in line with the NHS Flex movement. Challenging culture, enabling a culture that allows people to call out unacceptable and inappropriate behaviour. There is a long list of things to do but I am excited to see what happens next, to see what Nicola and the network can achieve and I urge any women reading this in LAS or in any other service to please join your women’s network, there is strength in numbers.

Road Paramedic to Recruiting Research Paramedic

Some days were better than others, but nothing can really prepare you for the cloud that hangs over you. This year was exceptional; never have I experienced a Ramadan where we were unable to go to the Mosque, to enjoy Iftar breaking the fast together, spending time with our family or friends. This Ramadan was vastly different, we could not do the things we would normally do. It felt like Ramadan, but then at the same time it did not, if that makes sense. A time for family, for friends, for community and for coming together.

“The College of Paramedics wholeheartedly supports the #WorkWithoutFear campaign and firmly believes that every paramedic should be able to go to work and do their job without fear of abuse or violence. Sarah knew she always wanted to care for others when she was younger and, before seeing the PTS vacancy, was ready to embark on a midwifery course. However, she had to miss out on the course after suffering a broken jaw following an assault but, once healed, applied as an apprentice with WMAS. She never knows what her Paramedic role will take her to next and enjoys the variety of her role. Speaking of how he prepared for the role, Wayne said, “I’m lucky, I’ve had a lot of experience of working in cold environments primarily within the Arctic circle.

What Will My Money Be Going Towards?

Splitting your funds between different assets is called diversification. Diversification is a common practice for all types of investors, including billion-dollar hedge fund managers. It’s a way of minimising risks, creating more opportunities for return, and safeguarding your assets from adverse market cycles. The environmental concerns should not be dismissed by anyone looking to invest in Ethereum or Bitcoin either.

The professionalisation of paramedics began to occur following introduction of registration. There has been a lot of discussion, particularly on social media, about the HCPC’s announcement that they are soon only going to register new paramedics who have a degree, and is this a good thing for the profession? So let’s discuss this, and I’d like to state that these are my opinions, not my employers’ or those of the College. I was primary carer and my paramedic background gave me no preparation and, I am sad to say, I was soon so tired, I just wanted to sleep. Fortunately, the diagnosis to her actual death was 56 days, that is less than 8 weeks, the final three days were in a hospice.

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