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Connection Between Shame and Addiction

That part of what’s going on is they feel ashamed of themselves. Ironically, the shame because it’s so stressful will lead to continued addictive behaviors, and so you get locked in this vicious cycle. But if a parent can understand that in a shame cycle, it’s what I call situational sociopathy.

  • Understanding and confronting the shame and guilt you experience in addiction is a critical part of recovery.
  • Moreover, while both emotions can be accompanied by feelings of inadequacy, it’s not as all-consuming for those experiencing guilt versus shame.
  • I’ll tell you what, I’ll go back to the example with you and me, Clint, if I accidentally step on your foot, let’s I’m just gonna use that as the example.
  • Not only will we help you rediscover who you are, but we will also help you foster an invaluable and unshakable sense of self-compassion.
  • If you are struggling to let go of the past and it is triggering you in recovery, reach out.
  • Often, it’s shame, guilt’s evil twin, which takes recovering folks down.

So back to young, it’s not yours it’s a disease of choice, and you’re 100% responsible miracles happen. You can’t even make eye contact with somebody that’s too vulnerable. What happens for me when I’m ashamed, like if I step on your foot, if if I was trapped in shame, I literally want to shame and guilt in recovery crawl into a hole. And so ironically, and sadly it leaves the other person feeling betrayed. Gosh, Clint says I thought Bob cared about me, but he doesn’t give a rip about me. If active addiction has the highest amount of stigma, it’s the bottom rung on the ladder in terms of disorders.

Coping Strategies For Guilt and Shame

Shame causes people to run away from issues and avoid things that need to be done or said. The feeling also promotes hopelessness, sadness, heartache, and even self-pity, all of which can have negative results. At Banyan Treatment Centers Stuart, we provide patients with therapy treatments like art therapy and CBT because we understand how difficult letting go of guilt and shame in recovery can be. To overcome shame and guilt, you must first understand where it comes from.

What emotions are under shame?

Regardless of the trigger, when shame is experienced the deterioration of an esteemed sense of self can be devastating. In addition to the typical emotions that can accompany shame, such as envy, anger, rage, and anxiety, we can also include sadness, depression, depletion, loneliness, and emptiness as a result.

All I mean by that is that your son or daughter isn’t a sociopath. A sociopath is somebody that can hurt somebody and not care. Dwelling in guilt will almost inevitably lead to feeling shameful. Shame cuts much deeper than guilt does, which is what makes it so dangerous.

Processing the guilt and shame

These negative emotions are a trigger for continuing to use drugs, or for having a relapse. Everyone feels guilt from time to time, which can be a healthy emotion; it drives you to do better. However, dwelling on your guilt can lead to feelings of shame, leading to negative behaviors. Shame can be a threatening emotion in your recovery.

shame and guilt in recovery

It is difficult to do for beginners for even 10 or 20 breaths, as the mind naturally wonders for all of us. But over time with practice, it becomes easier to do and will help teach ways to avoid feelings of guilt or shame. Unbridled shame and guilt are destructive and have almost no upside. We won’t ever be able to change the past, but we can accept responsibility for our actions, learn from our mistakes and focus our energy on living a more productive, healthier lifestyle. The list of things people do while under the influence of substances that could cause pain or embarrassment is endless.


I’ll tell you what, I’ll go back to the example with you and me, Clint, if I accidentally step on your foot, let’s I’m just gonna use that as the example. If I if I have a shame response, if I go down the rabbit hole of I can’t believe I did that again. What kind of loser does that he’s not going to like me to go down that litany of things like that. The chances are, I’m going to look to you like a possum, which in human language, I’m going to look indifferent. I won’t look alarmed or concerned, I’ll look flat, like I don’t care. What is the fight, one is to scramble, run, flee that flight, fight or flight, but there’s a third emotion or third response, and that’s a freeze response.

What trauma causes shame?

Studies have shown that shame is often linked to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For example, veterans who had to go through horrible circumstances during war time may now feel as though they're weak or useless. People who have experienced abuse or domestic violence might also feel shameful.

People typically experience it as highly unpleasant. Shame can make you feel self-conscious and exposed and judged by others. In fact, shame can feel so strong that some people avoid social interactions or engage in risky behaviors in an attempt to numb the pain from it. Shame is a different level than guilt, a deeper emotion that may be harder to overcome. Shame takes that a step further and tells the person they are bad, or not valuable, because of their bad actions. Seeking help from therapists, counselors, and others who understand the shame cycle can be healing, also.

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