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Candle Color Meanings: What To Know, Rituals + Spells To Try

candle burn
spell or ritual

If smoke is involved in the divination process, the technique of assessing this is capnomancy; if the flames are watched for signs, you are practicing pyromancy. Inhoodoo candle burning, we generally combine pyriomancy, capnomancy, and ceromancy into one art, which we call “reading signs from candles.” If a spell candle burns blue or blue-white, it is a sign that high spiritual beings have taken an interest in your magick. Red or yellow flame means that more mundane—but still potentially powerful—energy is fueling the spell. This guide offers an overview of how the color a candle possesses may have deeper spiritual significance or a divine nature to people who practice candle magic. Learn connections between candle colors and the calendar by understanding how certain colors congregate on the calendar on different days of the week.

In this oxygen-rich area, molecules begin to separate and vaporize at the temperature approaching 2500° Fahrenheit. This area of molecule concentration at the base may also be accompanied by a veil that is around the rest of the flame. This phenomenon occurs due to the concentration of oxygen. Spiritual and botanica vendors offer an obvious source for those who wish to purchase candles. Taper or glass candles are frequently selected because they tend to burn for a longer amount of time. “In well-ventilated homes, occasionally using candles with subtle scents is okay,” says Sarah Wooten, DVM, a spokesperson for Pumpkin, a pet insurance company.

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Posted: Sun, 26 Mar 2023 20:37:21 GMT [source]

A steady, bright flame is a surefire sign of success or good luck! If you burned this candle during spellwork, your endeavor is lucrative. If used for divination, this flame portends success and happiness in your life or your question. Most vigil candle spells contain herbs, glitter and sometimes roots, there will sometimes be burnt remains at the bottom of the candle. Keep an eye on the height of the flame and how it burns to see if the message is a positive or negative message commenting on the type of work that you’re doing.

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When candle flames move a lot, it is the sign of the presence of a spirit around you. However, the energy that comes towards you will give you a clearer picture of the nature of the spirit that has come around you. Different types of fire have different meanings which indicate your success.

There are numerous types and scents to choose from online and in stores today, and they’re made with a range of ingredients, both natural and synthetic. So, how safe for your health is it to burn scented candles? If you are cleansing your space and the candle flame is pointing west, the cleansing ritual is working but you need to stay strong and bring more positivity. If you are doing a tarot reading and, after lighting a candle, its flame is pointing south, the tarot cards’ message is not truthful.

Interpreting Ritual Candle Remains

Tea Leaf Divination is a traditionalmethod of divinationthat allows the reader to examine symbols found in the patterns of tea leaves. If your wax is closer to the middle of your scrying bowl, it’s likely referring to something that occurred further in the past. That said, wax that gathers near the edge of your bowl may refer to situations that will soon be occurring. If you have any specific questions you would like to ask during your divination session, write these down so you can reference them later. In this case, all elements are blocking you except for the one that burned. You can determine the meaning using the same method mentioned above.

What does 7 candles symbolize?

The seven candles of the Jewish menorah that burned in the Tabernacle symbolized the Creation and, according to the English scholar Robert Graves, may be connected to the seven planets of antiquity.

Another possible meaning of a candle flame that’s too high is that you’re holding back a lot of power behind your intentions. That could mean that you have tons of untapped potential just burning below the surface. It’s also important to note that pyromancy can be very subjective. There are also many variables that can affect the way a candle burns.

Popping Candle Flame Meaning

Your spell will go exactly as you have written and expressed it. If the flame is buried by the wax.The wish will not be granted. To the west, it means that there is a lot of emotional energy involved.

In, it indicates that your intention will be fulfilled. This method involves studying a flame closely and determining its meaning based on the action, intensity, and direction of the flame. If you find there are a lot of the remains at the bottom of the candle, it may mean there was too much put into the candle. Complete and unbroken rings are more predominant and show a strong indication that the time prediction will be more accurate and precise. This is the same for if herbs, glitter, etc., remain stuck to one side or any side of the candle as it may indicate there’s unfinished business in one or more areas. If it’s on the front, left, back or right, it may mean there’s unfinished business in that area that the spell wasn’t able to completely remove or work on.

Crackling and sputtering flame meaning

If it goes the full length of the candle, you may need to run the candle. “Running” a candle means to burn another one tricked just like the first one, but always let the first one finish first! If your candle burns rapidly and evenly, you should consider your candle spell successful. An uneven fast burning candle indicates a poorly executed spell that will need to be performed again. Sometimes, a fast burning candle can mean the spell won’t have enduring results.

What are 7 day spiritual candles?

About 7-day Candles

Seven-Day candles are used by parishioners of many faiths as tools for prayer, devotion, ritual, meditation, protection and healing. They are easy to use and well liked because they tend to be safer from fire hazards due to their enclosed nature.

If you’re looking for love, pink is the candle to go for, according to AlMuhaiteeb. She adds that pink is better than red when it comes to true love, as red is more about physical love or lust. “But a pink one is calling in a pure connection, so it really depends on what kind of lover you’re looking for in this moment,” she adds. Because this is such a useful exercise, I’ve included specific pages for each candle’s color and its accompanying god. You can start with the first video – Jupiter, which you can burn for power and strength – or go to the candle / god whose aspects you feel most resonate with you right now. White soot is a far rarer occurrence, and is said to represent spiritual communication and assistance.

Whenever the energy that flows towards you is full of negativity, fear, and terror, it is a sign that an evil spirit has come to attack you. Therefore, you should protect yourself from this spirit by using protection spells, or positive affirmation. When the candle flame increases at the time of work, the energy is growing, which is behind the spell. The most important tip is to view the flame from a fresh perspective. When you start looking for clues with a firm conviction in either direction, you can misinterpret candle flame meanings quite easily.

What does burning candles symbolize?

In a quite unique way, candles radiate messages of romance, passion, security, warmth, hope, spirituality, mystery, to name just a few. Candles indeed are a burning example that the whole is more than sum of its parts – be they just a little wax and wick as they are.

“Every person metabolizes vapors in different ways and may be more or less vulnerable to harmful effects,” Dr. Brown says. Each candle displays its unique personality when consecrated and lit, shaped by your desires and communicated and housed in the flame. You may want financial success and wealth in your business; burn green candles during your meditation. Silver candles are burned by those seeking to get broader intuition.


Bulb or flower on wick – This shows opposition or that a third party’s actions go against the work. This is why as Rootworkers we need the whole story of the client. Some people are shy about saying certain things, but trust me when I say that we’ve heard worse. If the candle doesn’t light at first, then this working will not work for the job to be done. Wax remains in the shape of sex organs usually means some sort of infidelity or a venereal disease. On the right you’re your thoughts and beliefs are getting in the way of the spell.


If a candle’s flame is solid, the universe is in your favor, and the spirits are ready to answer your call. A crackling flame could also be a sign that you’re personally dealing with communication issues. Take a moment to reflect on your social connections and ask the spirits for guidance. Some churches and families place the candles in an Advent wreath, with the Christ candle in the center. The Advent wreath’s circular shape symbolizes God’s constant and unchanging nature. On Christmas Eve or Christmas day, the full wreath of Advent candles is lit to symbolize that Christ, the light of the world, has arrived.

advent candle

As long as candle readings and meanings following the basic steps, the rest is up to you for where, when, and how. The flame also holds festival, celebration, and remembrance. The sacred lighting of the candles during Hanukah reminds those of the Jewish culture to remember to have faith and that they are in the presence of God.

The easiest way to get better at any divination method is to practice. Read the wax when you’re done for insight into your spellwork. This result shows that a great force of energy has lent itself to your divination reading, or that a powerful surge of raw emotion has dedicated itself to your spellwork. As the candle burns to the bottom, it can create a fire hazard that becomes too hot for the glass to contain if there’s too much at the bottom. For my candle readings, anything less than about 0.3” to 0.5” of wax is considered successful to moderately successful. A flame that has a lot of blue in the colour of the flame means a high presence of spirit energy assisting your spell.

To add yet another layer of purpose and meaning to your god-specific or color-specific candle burn, you can also do a candle reading. Candle reading is an ancient divination practice that involves burning down a candle and looking for meaning in the melted wax, not unlike the way astrologers look for meaning in the stars. It is performed in various ways by many cultures and belief systems. Whether performed as a simple act or as part of a much more complex ritual, this experience involves witnessing the process of transformation through the element of fire. Through the practice of candle magick, people channel energy in ways that promote and speed up changes taking place in their lives.

Invisible energy, much like the air, vibrations, or magnetic forces, influence the events that happen around us. If we pay close enough attention, our interpretations can help us decide what to do next or where to go from here. If your candle flame burns fast, it means you need to slow down in your spell process. If you’re conducting a protection spell, the popping flame comes as a warning.

What do the different color candles mean?

White: promotes serenity and peace and enhances personal strength and insight. Black: for psychic protection, bb. Green: helps bring your ideas to life and amplifies prosperity. Yes, please. Blue: connects with your chakras and any emotional wounds that need healing.

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